Segítség belépéshez/Login help
por Viktor Szente - BME Address Database ID ("BME Címtár" in Hungarian) is necessary for the login, which can be reached on this link. The Neptun code and password must be
typed on the right side and the Address Database ID will be available. This is an at least five numbers ID in the form of an e-mail address: The password can be changed on the "Jelszóváltoztatás" link.
If the Address Database ID and password is available, then you can log in on the Login (Bejelentkezés) link to the educational framework. The login ID is the Address Database ID's number part (the e-mail domain part is automatically shown) and the corresponding password and after clicking on the Login button you will be in the Educational Framework.
If the Address Database ID and password is available, then you can log in on the Login (Bejelentkezés) link to the educational framework. The login ID is the Address Database ID's number part (the e-mail domain part is automatically shown) and the corresponding password and after clicking on the Login button you will be in the Educational Framework.